Just for the purpose of practice, will use min heap data structure to solve this problem. Then the Kth largest element will be the root of a min heap with size of K.
Need to build a min Heap structure, and the key step is a shift function that will be used in both building and maintaining the heap. See below:
class Solution { public: int findKthLargest(vector<int>& nums, int k) { int l = nums.size(); buildMinHeap(nums, k); for(int i=k; i<l; ++i){ if(nums[i] > nums[0]){ swap(nums[i], nums[0]); shiftHeap(nums, 0, k-1); } } return nums[0]; } private: void buildMinHeap(vector<int> &n, int l){ for(int i=1; i<l; ++i){ n.insert(n.begin(), n[i]); n.erase(n.begin()+i+1); shiftHeap(n, 0, i); //maintain an ordered range 0-i; } } void shiftHeap(vector<int> &v, int m, int n){ if(2*m+1 == n && v[m] > v[n]) swap(v[m], v[n]);//if 2*m + 1 > n, continue; if(2*m+2<=n && v[m] > min(v[2*m+1], v[2*m+2])){ if(v[2*m+1] > v[2*m+2]){ swap(v[m], v[2*m+2]); shiftHeap(v, 2*m+2, n); } else{ swap(v[m], v[2*m+1]); shiftHeap(v, 2*m+1, n); } } } };